11.1 Use of the website does not confer any rights. All rights used or represented on the website remain the exclusive property of the seller and may not be reproduced, distributed, sold, marketed or used for purposes other than personal by users, whether customers or not, without the seller's prior written consent.
11.2 Access to the Web site is provided "as is", on an "as available" basis and without warranty of any kind from the Seller. It must be used at the user's own risk. The seller does not warrant that (i) the website, the content and the products offered fully meet the user's expectations, (ii) the website is uninterrupted and error-free, or (iii) the website is free of viruses.
11.3 Computerized records are kept in the seller's computer systems under reasonable security conditions, as proof of communications, orders and payments made by the customer. Purchase orders and invoices are filed on a reliable and durable medium. The Vendor takes all measures to ensure the confidentiality of exchanges and transactions on the Internet.
11.4 Customers have the right to access, modify and delete their personal data. More specifically, when an order is placed and the customer provides his personal data, he is asked to give his authorization,
(i) if he/she wishes to receive information on the Vendor's Products and newsletter,
(ii) if he/she agrees to his/her data being shared with the seller's partners;
(iii) for the purposes of secure payment guaranteed on the website.
11.5 In the absence of the Customer's express agreement by clicking on each of these elements, the Vendor undertakes not to make such use of them.